Our Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion

We recognize that systemic racism has historically prevented, and today continues to prevent at all levels, the ensured participation and success of underrepresented groups in all of the sciences as well as beyond. We very strongly believe that the scientific community we all choose to be part of is solely dependent on contributions from each individual and not a select few. Therefore, all of the lab members are actively committed to anti-racism and we aim to promote a sense of belonging across all identities through:

  • Respect and recognition of each individual’s work, ideas and contributions.

  • Consideration, compassion, and collaboration in order to create a flexible environment where everyone intellectually, emotionally, and physically supports each other’s scientific, personal, and professional goals.

  • Honesty, fairness, and transparency.

  • Sharing our ideas openly.

  • Holding ourselves, each other, and our communities accountable. 

  • Equitably and ethically working with each other and our partners, whether scientists, funders, or the public.

  • Allyship and promoting, centering, and celebrating marginalized voices.

  • Recognizing and rejecting discriminatory behaviors, comments, and language.

  • Dismantling bias, racism, stereotypes, and barriers to equitable participation.

  • Leading and participating in outreach, education, and empowerment activities